How to organise a Fashion Show – part four – January 2013



Dancing routines are often included as a segment of a fashion show for the

A man and a woman performing a modern dance.

A man and a woman performing a modern dance. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

entertainment value and to present active sportswear in a more dynamic and exciting way. As dancing involves movement it adds vitality and excitement to products which are associated with it. The choreography of the dance routines may have a theme connected to it which can be associated to the products it is helping to promote.

Dancers for fashion shows may be required to learn dance routines quickly as time schedules may be tight and rehearsal time short. Special outfits may be provided for the dancers to wear so that they all look the same with the same image, and appear to the audience as part of the same group.

Dancers that are being provided costumes to wear will be required to attend “fitting sessions” at least one week before the show so that they can be measured up for the outfits and allow time for alterations to be made. If you need to change outfits during the fashion show it will be important that the outfits can be quickly and easily removed to change into another outfit.

Sometimes a model or dancer will wear one outfit under another outfit just to save time when it comes to changing their look or appearance for the next part of the show.

All they have to do is remove the top outfits, add some new accessories that suit the style of the second outfit or are suitable for the new routine they are to perform and they are ready to go back out on the stage. This can be useful if the changing rooms for the show are some distance from the stage itself as it eliminates the need to go all the way back to the changing room.

If you are required to walk down the catwalk like a model before starting your dance routine, it is important that you can do this with style. Remember that any tension in your body will also show on your face and in your posture. The art of “Catwalking” is to make it look easy and effortless, and graceful.

A good upright posture is essential. Avoid distracting mannerisms, and only use movement and gestures to compliment the fashions you are showing or to bring emphasis to a particular aspect of the garment or outfit. The style of your walk conveys your attitude and should compliment the style of the fashions you are wearing and the character or personality of the clothes.

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