It is important in all walks of life to be able to get on with other people

English: Katrina Bayonas, Actors' agent, Film ...

English: Katrina Bayonas, Actors’ agent, Film Producer and Casting Director. Best known for discovering the actress Penelope Cruz and managing her career. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

especially when you are under pressure to get the job done and time is limited. To get the most out of any situation you need to be flexible in your attitude, be helpful and offer advice when you think it is needed. You must respect other peoples decisions even if you think they are not the best one to make. Your position of authority within the team will influence how other people behave towards you and may affect your relationship with them. In a work situation you will be required to be friendly but professional in your manner. Always try to keep your personal problems away from the work environment as this can be very disruptive to other people.

Always try to maintain a POSITIVE attitude towards your work and the people you are working with. Nothing is worse than having to work with someone who is always being negative in their attitude. Being positive means always looking for the best in any situation even if there are problems to overcome. It means treating people in a positive way by saying good things about them, and being helpful. You may have heard of the saying “If you’ve got nothing good to say then say nothing at all”. This is good advice as it can save a lot of arguments and bad behaviour. Also don’t say bad things about people behind their back as this often gets back to the person involved and creates a lot of bad feelings, stress, and problems in the work environment.

Always thank people who have taken the time to help you out and return the favour a a later time if needed.  Make people feel part of a team by including them in activities and discussions, but don’t force them to do something they don’t feel comfortable doing. Sometimes it is just a lack of confidence or knowledge that’s the problem. Remember it’s only a problem if YOU make it a problem.

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