Work out a set of model poses which emphasise facial expressions.

Snehal photo shoot

Snehal photo shoot (Photo credit: davidyuweb)

Here you will need to take close up head shots or head & shoulder photos of each pose you create.

Think about the facial expressions you want to use and how these could be used in a photo shoot or in an advertising campaign.

You may want to think of a theme for this particular set of photos.

Often interacting with props (items that you hold and interact with) with help you to create some interesting poses.

Think of a mood that you want to project. For example, do you want to be serious, flirty, business like, happy, sad, or funny.

Remember that the lighting used in the photos can help to create a particular mood or atmosphere in the picture.

Your hair style will also influence the final look or image of the photos as will any jewellery that you wear near your face.

Temporary body art if selected carefully can also contribute to the image.

Most people have a “good” and a not so good side to their face therefore consider the angle of the shots so you get the best shot of your face and facial expression. For the finished shots use appropriate make up to compliment the theme and style required to finish the look or image chosen.


With product shots think about the type of person who would use the product. Would this person have a particular type of image? For example if the product is an expensive item then the type of person who would buy and use this product might be sophisticated, well dressed, and smart looking. Everything about their make up and hair style would create an elegant and sophisticated image.


IMAGEThink about the personality of this person? How would they conduct themselves in a public situation. Would they have a serious facial expression and controlled expressions and movement. This person may be in a position of power and authority and would not be seen doing silly or funny things.

Identify the features and benefits of using the product. Ask yourself how would the customer use the product and where would they use it? This will affect the style of the pose you adopt and your facial expression showing what they are feeling or thinking about as they use the product.

The environment or location you are at will affect how you are feeling yourself. This in tern will make it easier or more difficult for you to adopt the right mood and facial expressions required. The customer will then be able to identify with the product more easily and see more easily how the product can solve their problems or prevent problems.

Send us your sets of model posing routines and we will try to feature the best of these on our site.


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