Never underestimate how important it is to have the right attitude towards the work you are doing and the people you are working with. It can sometimes make the difference between getting the job and not getting it. Photographers in particular are not going to choose models to work with if they are unfriendly, and awkward to work with.

It’s so important that you are helpful, and willing to try new things according to the photo shoot brief you get when you are interviewed for the job. Of course you should know what the job is going

English: Lauren Anderson

English: Lauren Anderson (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

to require you to do, but not everything is written in stone, as things don’t always work exactly to plan, so you must be flexible in your attitude, and work with the photographer to make their job easier and help solve any unforeseen problems that may arise during the photo shoot. on’t get jealous with other models. Not everyone can do the “nice” jobs.

The photographer should treat all the models with respect and equally with regard to allocating them jobs to do, irrespective of his or her personal feelings towards the models. They shouldn’t be asking the same model to make the tea or coffee every time? or asking the same model to do the dirty or unpleasant tasks that are required.

It’s up to the photographer to get the most from the models and his team, so he should always treat everyone fairly and accommodate their wishes when ever possible so that everyone is happy doing the job. This in turn will produce that extra bit of effort from everyone and hopefully produce the best results from the situation and circumstances that are present.

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